Thank you for attending the inaugural KTM Australia Adventure Rallye – Snowy Mountains 2016!

If we had to sum up the Rallye in one word, it would have to be . . . EPIC!  But we don’t have to tell you that — as you were there to experience it for yourself!

So again, a big thank you to all the KTM riders who attended our first big KTM Adventure Event and we hope to see more of you in the future! Because one thing is for sure . . . this was just the beginning.

In order to make the KTM Australia Adventure Rallye even better for next year, we would value your insight and feedback on the event. Please fill in the below form and by all means, if you have anything else you would like to add, you can email us on

2016 KTM Australia Adventure Rallye | Rider Feedback

  • Rate your Rallye Experience

    Please rate your Rallye experience on the below aspects.
  • Comments on your Rallye experience

  • Dirty Details

    Now you were the first riders to experience the KTM Australia Adventure Rallye, so we very much value your opinions! We also feel we can be straight with you and ask the blunt questions . . .